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Ghosts and Spirits

   Over the years, ghosts have caught the attention of everyone. There are many shows focusing on investigations of them as well as Hollywood's take on haunted situations. 


  Here we discuss our own cases and research and others about spooks. 


   One theory of ghosts is that Ghosts are energy. The energy of someone's' (or animals) soul that was once alive. It's believed they are somewhat stuck between this dimension and another. It's almost like they have not fully crossed over into the next world or realm. There are many reasons as to why ghosts or spirits can make it known they are around. How they interact with us can usually be determined by how they were when they were alive or their personality characteristics. 

   Some believe ghosts keep those characteristics after they are long dead. If you are dealing with a 'mean ghost' that person may have been not a very nice human to be around in life. 'Mean ghosts' usually disturb the living in situations like a house or dwelling. The more fear they can absorb can almost seem like its feeding off the energy. But, not every ghost is here to torment or disrupt people or the living. 

   There are no proven reasons of why any type of ghost hangs around after death. This is the reason why there are teams such as PK. We look for the how when why and who factors during each case and investigation. We also like to classify each type of haunting to help us further understand and explain their existence.

   Some types of hauntings can be pinpointed to a house, room or space. Some are following certain people. Next we will discuss different types of hauntings. For more info please see our INDEX.

   Hauntings that usually only happen once and for a very short time can be classified as 'Crisis Apparitions'. These usually happen when a ghost is seen by family at the moment of it's passing. Maybe they just want to say goodbye or they need to pass some very important message to someone. This is not the same as ghosts that have unfinished business. Unfinished business can have a spirit cling or stay around until the spirit feels they have fulfilled that business. A couple cases of unfinished business come to mind. This is most of the time seen when someone is killed or dies suddenly. Many times the spirit wants justice.

   Another reason for a haunting could simply be that the ghost doesn't know it has died. They continue to live out their life as normal to them. There have been such cases where the ghost is unaware of the living or how it's disturbing the living. If the spirit can see and interact with the living but views them as more of invaders because they don't know they have passed. In these situations, its found helpful to just talk to the ghost about it's passing. It can help them move on or cross over. These can also be know as residual ghosts.

   If the ghost or spirit does know they have passed, they can become trapped or lost. Maybe they are afraid to cross over. Fearing the unknown isn't just for the living. In special cases, these spirits possible could be trapped by another ghost or evil spirit. We can see these situations in a lot of today's scary movies. We can see that if the evil entity caused someone to kill themselves, they can keep the soul and ghost trapped. Another reason could be the ghost died away from their home and is trying to find their way back.

   How do you know you have a haunting on your hands? There can be many tells. Screams, knocking, music, moans, groans, voices, and even smells could be a great sign. When it comes to smells, they should be usual smells such as perfumes or food or even cigars and cigarettes. If you are smelling something rotten or like sulfurs, this is not a ghost you are dealing with. See the page 'Demons'.   


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The Cursed House

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